Saturday, November 14, 2015

Down To The Wire

We are down to the wire.  National Collection Week starts in less than 27 hours.  It feels like only a few weeks ago that I was working on my ministry plan for 2015 and now it's almost time to turn the page on the year.

For the past few weeks I've been packing the leftovers from our packing party into shoeboxes at home.  There were two days when I had some help, but mostly I've been working on my own and enjoying filling each box the way I used to before my packing party habit got rolling.

I still have five tool box gifts to finish, but other than those I have filled every box I could find.  Every. Single. One.  And most of the space in my three daughters' old bedrooms is filled with stacks of boxes--each of them prayed over.

The stacks in those bedrooms now number a total of 1,006 boxes.   And...besides the leftover items already nestled in the storage container there are several more stacks of cartons ready to take to store there tomorrow.  If I had boxes and time I could probably do at least a few hundred more.  It's crazy how much God blessed us this year.

Soon my long-suffering husband will help me load these into our minivan (again and again) until they are all safely transported to the collection center.  But we know their journey is only starting.

So many other hands will speed them on their way.  So many other prayers will follow them.  So many precious servants will receive them and distribute them and, hopefully, disciple their recipients.

We may be down to the wire here on this side of the box but those on the other side are gearing up for the most meaningful work of all--the harvest.

" that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together." --John 4:36b

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